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Navin Ramlal, MD
IM | Program Director

Harikrishna Bandla, MD
IM |  APD & Core Faculty

Tracie Bellanger, MD
IM |  APD & Core Faculty

Michelle Blake, MD
IM |  APD & Core Faculty

Matthew Raley, MD
Pulm Crit | APD & Core Faculty

Anam Shahid, MD
IM | APD & Core Faculty

Jorge Martinez Bencosme, MD
IM | Core Faculty

Benjamin Morehead, MD
Pulm Crit | Core Faculty

Edward Pierce, MD
IM | Core Faculty

Aditya Rander, MD
IM | Core Faculty

Trisandhya Sharma, MD
IM | Core Faculty

James Smith, MD
Pulm Crit | Core Faculty

Eli Azzi, MD
Pulm Crit | Faculty

Clement Fox, MD
Pulm Crit | Faculty

Kathryn Howell, MD
Pulm Crit | Faculty

Richard Kamm, MD
Pulm Crit | Faculty

Jose Matos Urena, MD
IM | Faculty

Michael Rommen, MD
EM | Faculty

Ayn Morato, MD
IM | Faculty

Mark Napoli, MD
Card | Faculty

Asghar Naqvi, MD
IM | Faculty

Muhammad Rashid, MD
IM | Faculty

Ramen Saharan, MD
IM | Faculty

Jonathan Walker, MD
IM | Faculty

Henry Hinkle, MD

Imran Khan, MD

Jyothi Mallepalli, MD
Rheum | SEC

Nauman Khalid, MD
Card | SEC

Richard O'Donovan, MD
Neph | SEC

Resham Poudel, MD
Endo | SEC

Benjamin Weinberger, MD
Heme Onc | SEC

Bruno Zavala, MD
Pulm Crit | SEC

John Bruchaaus, MD
Pulm Crit | CMO

Pamraj Sharma, MD
Neuro | Director of Scholarly Activity

Donald Langley, DO
IM | Adjunct Faculty