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Psychology Internship

Our Lady of the Lake Psychology Internship

A health service psychology internship.



Our Lady of the Lake Psychology Internship is a member of APPIC, member #2510. We will participate in the match and are working towards APA accreditation.

Questions related to the program's accreditation status should be directed to the Commission of Accreditation.

Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation
American Psychological Association
750 1st Street, NE
Washington, DC 20002
Phone: (202) 336-5979 / Email:

Program Goals

Our program aims to complete the education of broadly-trained health service psychologists begun in their home institutions while maintaining a focus on psychology practice in medical settings. The internship seeks to build on interns' previous training experiences and further develop their knowledge and skills to prepare for a successful career in the field of psychology. This internship aims for trainees to achieve the level of function expected of an entry-level community or academic psychologist.

This is accomplished through training focused on nine profession-wide competencies:

  1. Research
  2. Ethical and Legal Standards
  3. Individual and Cultural Standards
  4. Professional Value and Attitudes
  5. Communication and Interpersonal Skills
  6. Assessment
  7. Intervention
  8. Supervision
  9. Consultation and Interprofessional/Interdisciplinary Skills


  • The provision of high-quality psychological services particularly in medical settings, including:
    • Conduct clinical interviews and assessments; produce comprehensive treatment plans.
    • Practice multi-modal psychotherapy (individual and group) in a variety of settings.
    • Provide appropriate crisis services and response.
    • Be able to conduct programs, presentations, and consultations.
    • Deliver clinical supervision.
    • Integrate research into practice.
    • Be aware of, and responsive to, culture and diversity including the use of culturally-appropriate assessments and treatments.
  • Development of healthy professional identity, including:
    • Practice in accordance with prevailing legal and ethical guidelines.
    • Collaborate with and integrate into multidisciplinary teams to provide quality care to clients as well as institution-level interventions.
    • Self-awareness of cultural considerations, diversity, and biases which may affect work in psychology.

Our internship brochure can be found here.

About Us

Thank you for inquiring about the Our Lady of the Lake Psychology Internship. We are excited to be developing a new internship at Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. OLOL provides a wealth of opportunities and serves a very diverse population. Baton Rouge is a center for higher education with a vibrant southern culture.

Our Lady of the Lake Psychology Internship was formed in 2019. The psychology Subsection consists of core faculty and adjunct faculty.

The psychology faculty is primarily cognitive behavioral, with an emphasis on psychology in medical settings. The psychology faculty teach and supervise cognitive behavioral therapy and psychotherapy.

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