At Our Lady of the Lake Health and Our Lady of the Lake Physician Group Psychiatry Clinics, our highly trained psychiatrists treat everything from emotional problems to mood and psychotic disorders through inpatient and outpatient programs designed to create an encouraging environment for adolescent, and adult patients and their families.
The Family Center physicians and nurse practitioners evaluate and treat psychiatric disorders in children, adolescents and adults. Medication management is provided and recommendations for other treatments are made for a variety of conditions, including:
The Family Center - Hennessy
7777 Hennessy Blvd., Suite 6000
(225) 765-8648
The Family Center - O'Donovan
5131 O’Donovan Drive, Suite 300
(225) 374-0400
The Psychiatry Center, at 5131 O'Donovan Drive, Suite 300, is a training clinic in which advanced-level resident doctors of the LSU Health Baton Rouge-Our Lady of the Lake psychiatry program provide services for children, adolescents and adults. These services include psychiatric evaluation, medication management and individual and group psychotherapy. Additionally, graduate students from the LSU Department of Psychology provide psychological testing and evidence-based psychotherapy to children, adolescents and adults. All visits to the Psychiatry Center are supervised by LSU faculty.
With access to assessments and referrals 24/7, our hotline is your first point of contact for mental health and substance abuse services.