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Hearing and Balance

Restoring and Retaining Equilibrium

Dizziness is among the most common reasons for visits to a primary care provider. It includes light-headedness, faintness, disorientation and more. Our health system offers comprehensive services devoted specifically to restoring and maintaining the function of hearing, balance and equilibrium (vestibular) systems.

Through a multidisciplinary approach to the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of hearing and balance issues, we provide an academically based, cost-effective, thorough level of care that benefits patients and referring physicians, and Our Lady of the Lake Hearing & Balance Center is one of the few facilities in the country to concentrate on this specialty. Equipped with the latest diagnostic tests, treatments and research, our number-one priority is to improve our patients' hearing.

Individuals may refer themselves or be referred by their primary care physician or specialist. Most major insurance plans are accepted.

Hearing & Balance Locations Near You

1 locations found
Our Lady of the Lake Hearing and Balance Center

7777 Hennessy Boulevard Suite 709

Baton Rouge, LA


Hearing and Balance Tests and Diagnosis

Although patients who suffer from hearing loss or tinnitus (ringing in the ears) can present a challenge to the medical profession, new technological and medical advances allow many patients to be successfully evaluated and treated.

Our health system can offer a broad array of diagnostic hearing tests, including:

We also provide a comprehensive evaluation of patients with dizziness, loss of balance and equilibrium disorders using a variety of up-to-date techniques, including:

We offer telemedicine consultations that integrate onsite testing and evaluation with real-time, offsite diagnostic interpretations and treatments for complex hearing and balance disorders. Special features of this evaluation include: