As a patient, it is your responsibility to:
- Give Pertinent Information
- Give us complete and accurate health information, including your medical history and all drugs you are taking.
- Give us complete and accurate personal information, including name, address, phone number, date of birth, social security number and health insurance coverage.
- Tell us of changes in your health problem or symptoms, including pain.
- Give us a copy of your Living Will if you have one.
- Give us a copy of any legal document related to decision making.
- Tell us if you need a translator or translation services.
- Ask Questions and Follow Instructions
- Let us know if you do not understand the information we give you about your condition or treatment.
- Work with your doctor, nurse and other healthcare providers to make choices about your care.
- Speak up. Asks questions until you understand your treatments, procedures and drugs.
- Tell your concerns to any team member as soon as possible.
- Follow our instructions and your plan of care.
- Be Responsible
- Pay your bills or make arrangements to meet financial responsibilities.
- Leave your personal belongings at home or have someone take all valuables home.
- Show Respect and Consideration
- Keep your scheduled appointments and call us if you are not able to keep your appointments.
- Be thoughtful and helpful; treat all patients, visitors, providers and team members with courtesy and respect. Any abusive or rude behavior could result in your dismissal from care.
- Do not smoke or use tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, on our property.
- Do not leave your care area without talking with staff.
- Respect the rights and property of others and the building.
- Do not bring illegal drugs, alcohol, guns or other weapons onto our property.
- Do not take photos or video of other patients or people.
As a patient, you have the right to:
- Personal Privacy and Visitation
- Be treated with dignity and respect.
- Have information in your clinical records kept confidential.
- Have your personal privacy honored.
- Have a family member, friend or other person with you to give emotional support unless doing so is disruptive.
- Say yes or no to the making of recordings, films or other images of you for purposes other than for your care.
- Security and Safety
- Be free from neglect, exploitation and verbal, mental, physical and sexual abuse while getting care, treatment and services.
- Get protective, supportive and advocacy services.
- Get care in a safe setting that preserves dignity.
- Know restraints or seclusion will be used only when medically needed.
- Cultural and Spiritual Values
- Have your customs and personal values, beliefs and preferences respected as long as they do not interfere with treatment.
- Receive religious and other spiritual services.
- Receive Care
- Get care no matter what your age, race or background, religion, culture, language, physical or mental disability, socioeconomic status, sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity or expression.
- Get Information
- Make, check or change your Living Will and have your Living Will honored in line with law, regulations and the hospital's capabilities.
- Ask that we tell a family member or representative you choose and your own doctor of your admission.
- Know the names and roles of the people in charge of — as well as those giving — your care, treatment and services.
- Make informed choices about your care. Be informed of your health status and be involved in choices that affect you, including the right to say no to care, treatment and services.
- Have your family or representative involved in care, treatment and service choices when you are not able to make these choices, as allowed by law.
- Be informed of your responsibilities for your care, treatment and services.
- Be informed about the results of care, treatment and services so you can participate in current and future healthcare choices.
- Get information from your clinical records.
- Have your wishes followed about organ donation, when you make such wishes known, in agreement with law and regulations.
- Be safe and have your rights respected during research, investigative and clinical studies.
- Get information that is tailored to your age, language and ability to understand including access to interpretation and translation services.
- Pain Management
- Be asked about your pain and know staff will work with you to handle your pain appropriately.
- Health Information
- Have access to, ask for change to and get information on disclosures of personal health information, under law and regulations.
- Express Concerns, Complaints or Grievances
- Express concerns about any aspect of your care, treatment and services.
- To express concerns, complaints and/or a grievance:
- If you are a patient of St. Dominic Hospital, you may call our Patient Advocacy Specialist at (601) 200-6564.
- If you are a patient of one of St. Dominic’s clinics, you may call (601) 898-7548.
- If you do not feel you have received resolution, you may file a complaint or grievance with:
- Mississippi State Department of Health
Licensure and Certification