St. Dominic Health Comprehensive Cancer Program is one of the top cancer treatment providers in central Mississippi and is known for outstanding adult patient care and exceptionally skilled providers. Our passion for offering innovative cancer treatment with the latest technology sets us apart. From surgery to radiation therapy, infusion therapy and well beyond, St. Dominic Health Comprehensive Cancer Program offers the care and services you need at each stage of care.
Our freestanding Cancer Center provides strong, patient-centered treatment that includes medical cancer therapy and radiation therapy in one easily accessible location.
Our compassion for our patients and their families and our passion for providing innovative cancer treatment with the latest technology sets us apart.
Healing is more than just a physical journey, and here, patients are more than just their diagnosis.
Cancer treatment is a big journey to undertake, but you won’t be doing it alone. We’ve got a variety of resources to help you prepare to meet with your doctor, prepare for treatment and more.
National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers (NAPBC) accreditation is granted only to centers that are committed to providing the best possible care to patients with diseases of the breast. Each breast center must undergo a rigorous evaluation and review of its performance and compliance with NAPBC standards. To maintain accreditation, centers must monitor compliance with NAPBC standards to ensure quality care and undergo an on-site review every three years.
The Commission on Cancer (CoC), a program of the American College of Surgeons (ACoS), recognizes cancer care programs that meet a national quality standard and for their commitment to providing comprehensive, high-quality and multidisciplinary patient-centered care. The CoC is dedicated to improving survival and quality of life for cancer patients through standard-setting, prevention, research, education and the monitoring of comprehensive quality care. St. Dominic is the only hospital in Mississippi to receive the CoC’s Outstanding Achievement Award three times.
Since 2014, St. Dominic’s has been a designated Lung Cancer Screening Center by the American College of Radiology (ACR). The ACR Lung Cancer Screening Center designation is a voluntary program that recognizes facilities that have committed to practice safe, effective diagnostic care for individuals at the highest risk for lung cancer. In order to receive this elite distinction, facilities must be accredited by the ACR in computed tomography in the chest module, as well as undergo a rigorous assessment of its lung cancer screening protocol and infrastructure. Also required are procedures in place for follow-up patient care, such as counseling and smoking cessation programs.
The American College of Radiology (ACR) awarded St. Dominic’s Center for Women’s Health two accreditations for Stereotactic Breast Biopsy and Breast Ultrasound Biopsy. With these designations, St. Dominic’s Center for Women’s Health is now recognized as a Breast Imaging Center of Excellence (BICOE). The BICOE designation is awarded to breast imaging centers that achieve excellence by seeking and earning accreditation in all the ACR’s voluntary breast-imaging accreditation programs and modules, in addition to the mandatory Mammography Accreditation Program.
At St. Dominic Cancer Center, we understand the impact that major surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy treatments can have on a cancer patient’s physical, emotional and spiritual strength. Healing is more than just a physical journey, it’s also emotional and spiritual. In an effort to touch each of these areas, St. Dominic offers many support programs and resources for patients and family members.
Camp Bluebird is an overnight camp for cancer patients and survivors ages 18 and older, sponsored by St. Dominic Health Comprehensive Cancer Program. The camp is for anyone who has ever been diagnosed with cancer whether under treatment, just finished treatment or cancer free for years.
Camp Bluebird is a nationwide organization. There are currently three other camps in Mississippi located in Hattiesburg, Tupelo and Ocean Springs. St. Dominic is the first to sponsor a Camp Bluebird in the central Mississippi area. Two camp sessions are offered each year, one in early summer and the second in fall.
The weekend offers a time for listening and learning. It is designed to help reduce the isolation felt by many cancer patients. It is a time for being with friends, and a time for caring and sharing. Activities are provided for the entire weekend and campers take time to share with one another. Campers can help each other through this difficult time.
Campers gain a better understanding of their non-medical needs and learn coping strategies from others who have made lifestyle adjustments through living with cancer. Camp Bluebird offers creative outlets through recreational activities, music, singing, dancing, games, and arts and crafts. Campers and volunteers alike receive a full dose of fellowship, fun and much, much more.
St. Dominic Cancer Center is proud to sponsor this not-for-profit program to enrich the lives of cancer survivors. All meals, snacks and lodging are provided. Accommodations are dorm-like, and Camp Bluebird can accept only a limited number of campers; so, if you are interested, apply early.
If you have questions or prefer a paper application, please contact Peggy Stansell, Camp Bluebird coordinator, at
There are many publications available in our Resource Room, which is located on the first floor of St. Dominic Cancer Center.
Call the Resource Room at (601) 200-3070.
St. Dominic offers various types of clinical trials, which include quality of life and treatment and translational research trials (studying of tumor tissue and blood to learn causes and treatments of gynecologic cancer).
Paul Seago, MD, and Christy Walters-Haygood, MD, serve as principal investigators for Gynecologic Oncology clinical trials at St. Dominic.
Benefits of clinical trials include:
To find out more, call (601) 200-3300.
Located on the Lower Level in Education, this center is available for you to research a medical condition affecting you or your family member. Our reference collection includes online health/internet information programs, videos, audio tapes, reference books, journals and newsletters. Health-related books, videos and audio tapes are loaned for two-week periods. You can visit the Center or call in a request. Hours of operation vary.
To find out more, call (601) 200-6944.
This cancer boutique is the first of its kind in the area. The boutique is committed to the community of cancer and breast cancer patients with a remarkably tranquil area for all their prosthesis, garment and personal care needs. Patients are fitted by our certified mastectomy fitter in a spacious private room for their comfort.
The boutique carries a large assortment of:
The boutique is located on the first floor of the main hospital, across from the Laboratory. Its address is 969 Lakeland Drive, and hours are Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Call (601) 200-5111.
St. Dominic is proud to be a partner with The Hope Conference, which is an annual event for the Jackson area. The Hope Conference is held each year on the first Saturday in March at First Baptist Church of Jackson in the Christian Life Center.
Free to the public, this conference is a community education event for cancer patients, survivors, family, friends, caregivers and health care providers.
The Hope Conference features presentations and breakout sessions by cancer specialists, medical experts, allied health professionals and survivors.
Participants will learn more about local resources, share their own stories, and celebrate the joy of living.
A free celebratory luncheon is included in the day’s events.
For more information, please call St. Dominic Cancer Services at (601) 200-3300.
St. Dominic Hospice Program is coordinated by a hospice liaison who works in our Care Management Department and provides information about hospice care to referred patients and coordinates referrals to hospice agencies.
For more information, call (601) 200-6768.
Our registered dietitian is available to develop individualized nutrition strategies to make mealtime a pleasant, relaxing and enjoyable time while incorporating high-calorie, high-protein dietary selections. We strongly encourage family members to participate in the patient’s nutrition counseling.
Our social worker provides educational programs, information resources, counseling and a host of other services that can help cancer patients and their families learn to adapt to the changes in their lives. It is important that our patients be aware of community resources, receive financial counseling when needed, and have access to home care planning. Our social worker works exclusively with cancer patients and their families to help find the strength to face the challenges cancer can bring.
Pastoral Care is provided to help individuals strengthen their own spirituality and deepen their faith. The Pastoral Care staff may not cure your illness, but they can help to heal the hurts of your heart. Our pastoral care representative comes as a friend during a difficult time of life and can contribute to your overall well-being and recovery.
To find out more, call (601) 200-6768.
St. Dominic Oncology Navigators are nurses who are available to help cancer patients and their loved ones on the journey from diagnosis through treatment and beyond. The Navigator provides individualized support and information tailored to patients.
The Oncology Navigator will:
For more information, call (601) 200-3300.
It is our mission to make a difference in the lives of patients and their loved ones facing serious, progressive or life-threatening illness by decreasing physical, emotional, spiritual and psychosocial suffering and increasing quality of life. Being hospitalized with a serious, progressive illness or life-threatening illness can often be difficult and confusing. You and your family may have questions about your illness and the choices you must make.
At St. Dominic Hospital, we have a special team to help you and your loved ones during this time. Our Palliative Care Team will work together with your physicians to address your physical, emotional or spiritual needs during this challenging time in your hospital stay. We are committed to providing excellent palliative care to you – whether you have just been diagnosed, are in active treatment, have completed therapy or are facing end-of-life concerns. Our team partners with your physician as an additional layer of support, especially in complex cases.
Team members include:
To learn more about Palliative Care click here or call (601) 200-5900.
The St. Dominic Cancer Center has a wig program for women who are in need of wigs and head coverings due to illness or medically induced side effects. Our program offers resources to obtain wigs at no charge from the American Cancer Society. In addition, we have wigs, scarves and turbans on site that are donated to the Cancer Center from volunteers, salons and former patients. The wig room is conveniently located on the first floor of the Cancer Center.
For more information, call (601) 200-3070.
Find out about cancer services we offer throughout our healthcare system across Louisiana and Mississippi.
As part of Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Health System, access to specialty care is convenient and referrals are seamless.