Winter Weather Preparations | January 22, 2025 | 4:00 p.m.
We have monitored recovery from the winter storm closely today and continue to prioritize the safety of all team members, providers and patients. Due to a much-improved situation with regard to snow and ice melting, we are sharing the following updates on our Code Gray activations:
During the recovery phase, team members should follow schedules for recovery from their leader. We are not back to normal business until we complete recovery shifts. Your leader can provide any needed details for this.
Sleeping Accommodations and Food Service:
For day shift team members who do not want to travel home after their shift ends today, sleeping accommodations will continue to be supplied. Meals will continue to be provided to team members this evening from 4:00 - 8:00 p.m.
OLOLPG/Angels Clinic Operations:
Most of the OLOLPG/Angels clinics will reopen at noon on Thursday. We are planning for extended hours over the next few weeks in order to meet demand for patient visits. Additional details:
Time Keeping in UKG/Kronos:
Time worked during your scheduled shift should be clocked to the department you are working in.
Once your worked shift is over, you will need to clock to the disaster cost center (4555) and use the Freeze account 8506, as well as your company location. If you have any questions about clocking your time in KRONOS, please work with your department leader.
GL Accounts: Company-Location-Cost Center-Fund
Best regards,
Chuck Spicer
President, Our Lady of the Lake Health and Our Lady of the Angels Health
Inclement Weather Policies & Pay Practices
Understand more about Code Gray by reviewing the policies and procedures linked below. Please connect with your leader with any questions you may have.
Stay Informed with Text Alerts
The best way to stay informed during a weather event impacting our ministry is to update your contact information and enroll in our emergency text alerts. To be sure you get the information you need, please Update your contact information by clicking here.